A lover of colors and bright things, April’s 12 Months of Thrifting prompt is naturally one of my favorites. This challenge is designed to help you build a wardrobe of essentials at a fraction of the cost and a pop of color on your feet is one of the easiest ways to add an interesting element to your wardrobe. We opted for flat shoes instead of heels for this month’s prompt to ensure you get the most wear out of this thrifted find and because colorful flats can be much more subtle than brightly colored heels for every day wear.
I’m personally a pink fanatic, so I’m always drawn shades of pink and coral when I’m thrifting flats. However, aim for the color of your choice. Red, cobalt blue, teal, burgundy, green, blush pink, and yellows are always popular hues and super easy to style. If you’re feeling a little intimidated to add a pop of color, the easiest way is to keep everything else neutral. Brightly colored or printed flats are very much like scarves, think of them as the focal point of your outfit, even if they are on your feet!
When thrifting shoes, be sure to always check the soles for durable tread and the insides for any tears. I always like to bring Clorox wipes with me to wipe down the shoes.
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