DIY: Child’s Desk & Chair

Hi All,

During the Christmas season I will often get orders for Christmas gifts. Sometimes they have furniture of their own they would like painted and sometimes I will go through my own unfinished inventory and pick out pieces that I think might work for them.

I had this adorable desk and chair in my inventory and the customer requested that it be refinished to fit into a young girls room.


I did my usual prep – a lot of sanding because this set was super shiny. Usually if you sand the piece enough you don’t have to bother with primer. Since this was for a small child, I did both. I thought it couldn’t hurt to double up for extra durability.

I ended up adding some bead board paper because there were a couple of areas that didn’t look as nice as I wanted and it added a little more character to the desk.

I then painted the desk white and added some pink trim to the edges, a few sections of the desk and inside the drawers.


Ok, I liked it, BUT, I still felt it needed something more.

So I went to a local store to get some ideas  and came across these adorable wall decals. Perfect!

I ended up adding them to the top of the desk and to the interior of the drawers. I put many layers of top coat over everything to make sure it was super durable.



On to the chair.

The chair was in good shape so I just needed to sand and paint it to match and get rid of that vinyl seat. I found this fabric at Goodwill, which was actually a shirt. I liked the style of it and the colors matched the desk perfectly!


Seat Before:







Seat After:
































Christmas gift completed!!!

Thank you so much for following and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!



Facebook: Sirpilla’s Shabby to Chic

Hi, I’m Amy. I love to repurpose, refinish and decorate with thrift store finds. Making something new out of something old is what inspires me! I’m a thrift shop addict who would like to share my DIY projects with you.