Practically every costume I’ve made over the years started with something I spotted at Goodwill that inspired an idea. Last year, I found a full length white fur coat and I immediately thought: Cruella Deville! This year, I was browsing the racks and spotted this furry royal blue poncho sweater and the first thing that popped into my mind was: Cookie Monster!

I bought the sweater for $4 from the Midway location and decided I’d hunt for a cookie costume for my daughter to go with my Cookie Monster costume. After a few failed attempts, I decided I’d just make the cookie costume from scratch with materials from the local craft store. That was until I spotted this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shell, also at the Midway location in the Halloween section. It was perfect! It had a velcro strap to attach around her waist, it was already padded, and the perfect shape for a cookie.

What you need to make the Cookie Monster costume
1 royal blue sweater
1 small sheet of white felt fabric
1 small sheet of black felt fabric
1 small piece of butterscotch felt fabric (use leftover scraps from the cookie)
Glue gun
I purchased the fabric from a local craft store. You could also probably thrift
Trace the eyes on the white felt and cut them out
Trace the mouth on the black felt and cut it out
Cut a zig zag pattern for the half eaten cookie and then glue it on the mouth
Glue the shapes on the center of the sweater
What you need for the cookie costume

A TMNT shell costume
1/2 yard of butterscotch felt fabric
1 small sheet of brown felt fabric
Glue gun
Trace the shape of the shell on
the fabric
Cut out a circle. Be sure to give yourself extra room because you’re going to
fold it over and glue it to the shell
Wrap the edges of the fabric on the shell and glue it all around
Cut mismatched shapes of brown fabric for the chocolate chips
Glue them on to the shell

That’s it! The entire process took me less than 30 minutes and cost me a fraction of what the cookie costume would have cost alone. My husband thought the costumes were store bought!

If you love to add a little creativity to your Halloween costumes, simply walk around Goodwill for an afternoon and see what jumps out at you (no pun intended).
Happy Halloween, thrifty friends!
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