While thrift shopping at Goodwill this week I found this adorable pig statue. I loved the look, but I wasn’t too keen on the color. My first thought was to paint it! I normally only refinish furniture or anything made with wood material, but for the price of $5 I thought, hey, why not give it a try!
I thought it would look cute in toned-down colors so I started by brush painting the statue all black for a base color.
I wasn’t sure on how I was going to do the colors so I figured it out as I went along. The one thing I was sure on was that I wanted the feed bag and chef hat to be white, and of course that the pig face would be pink. I didn’t want any of the paint to be in solid colors so I dry brushed the white and pink on with a small painters brush. That way the black would still slightly show through.
My original thought was to leave the chef jacket black, but then I decided it was too much of a large portion on the statue so I decided to match it with the white chef hat. I then added color by painting his apron and chef neckerchief a bright red. After the paint dried I applied a clear top coat to protect the paint.
I put the statue on top of my popcorn machine/wine stand and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
And this is one of the many things I love about Goodwill. The prices are so low you can take a chance of buying something even when you are not sure how to redo it.
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Facebook: Sirpilla’s Shabby to Chic
Hi, I’m Amy. I love to repurpose, refinish and decorate with thrift store finds. Making something new out of something old is what inspires me! I’m a thrift shop addict who would like to share my DIY projects with you.