Happy Holidays!
It’s hard to believe that the holiday season in upon us and another year is coming to an end. While everyone is talking about all the holiday “deals” I’m thinking, why limit your deals to just one month out of the year? Shopping at thrift stores like Goodwill is 12 months of deals for me. While I tend to gear more towards items that need a little TLC, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t seen plenty of band new items at incredible prices. Many are still in original packaging or still have store tags on them.
Speaking of a little TLC, my latest DIY is on an adorable stand I found at Goodwill the other day. The only thing wrong with it was the door panel needed reattached. Other than that it was in great shape. First thing I did was sand and prime the areas that the sander couldn’t get too.
Next I re-attached the door. While most would probably have technical parts for this, I use parts that I have in my work shop that are left over from previous projects. Example: in the first picture, I used a left over plate from a slide bolt that I used on something else. In the second picture, I used a magnetic catch that I had taken off a cabinet. I was glad to find this part since I needed something to keep the door closed too.
Once everything was back together I painted the cabinet in two-toned gray and white. After the paint dried I then wiped a weather gray glaze over all of it. As always, I put a clear top coat on it for extra durability. Once that was dry, I added some new hardware which was left over from another cabinet that I did.
And here is the completed project:
I would like to wish everyone a very safe and happy holiday season!
See you next year!
Facebook: Sirpilla’s Shabby to Chic
Hi, I’m Amy. I love to repurpose, refinish and decorate with thrift store finds. Making something new out of something old is what inspires me! I’m a thrift shop addict who would like to share my DIY projects with you.