The fourth is always a forgotten favorite for me. Every year it creeps right up and BOOM (your que to imagine fireworks) … it’s time to pull out the red white and blue! I usually have an array of things to choose from, but I thought I would keep it simple this year and incorporate a few classics that I found from Goodwill.
I paired a simple grey long-sleeved GAP t-shirt, with a navy high-waisted skirt, and my candy apple red slip on shoes to add a dash of color! All found at Goodwill on separate trips. I really like this look because it didn’t feel overdone. I can recall a few holidays past, I have over done it, and this year keeping my look clean and classic felt good.
Something I really treasure about shopping at Goodwill is that whenever I am in a pinch for an occasion….say the Fourth of July, I can always find something at Goodwill fast and for dollars, and I am talking literally just a few dollars! The outfit featured in this post was only $10.50 and I always make sure I have my 20% off coupon, which you receive every time you make a donation. So actually this complete outfit was under $10! Mixing Goodwill pieces with my existing wardrobe really puts a fun spin on my outfits. I love it!
I hope everyone had a happy fourth, filled with lots of watermelon and sparklers!
Lauren Ward