New year, new you? A bunch of resolutions you’ve made and now regretting? Haha– well here’s one you can work on: better organization! Organization is important on so many levels and I cannot recommend it enough! And don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be perfect and something that needs to happen overnight! You can chip away at being more organized and leave things better than you found them. Sometimes when you take the time to organize your closet, your office or your car you’re actually helping to organize your thoughts. Ever feel frazzled and like your mind is taking over? I swear by taking on a coordinating project in times of feeling overwhelmed and it helps iron out thoughts and next steps. In this blog/vlog, I’d love to highlight closet organization along with some of my most proven thrifting tips while getting rid of items that no longer serve you!
Organize by Category
It sounds cliche, but “everything has a place.” When helping my soon-to-be stepdaughters put their rooms back together, I suggest picking up an item and asking “where does this live?” When similar items are put together, there is a certain order that tends to take over. For example, place all of your tops in one place, your nail polishes in one (large) box and your necklaces on the same display case. Make your life easy and just group like-items together!
Invest in Nice(r) Hangers

As I’m sure it’s obvious, I enjoy shopping and I will tell you that the hangers used by certain stores makes a HUGE difference with the overall-feel of the space. Even now, I can recall the luxurious feel a certain upscale consignment store has that utilizes all wooden hangers. I can also think of the feel of a store I’ve worked with that has plastic and metal hangers. I personally love velvet hangers as they help to stop slipping from various fabrics. Even if you can’t invest in 1,000 quality hangers, just chip-away and acquire genuine hangers over time. Maybe all of your tops get black velvet hangers while your dresses are on ones you had as a kid. Hey, that is still progress!
Get Rid of Items that No Longer Spark Joy
I know, you’ve heard it before but I love and am inspired by the KonMari Method of ridding your home of things that do not make you happy. This can happen by simply holding a piece of clothing or accessories etc and asking yourself “does this spark joy?” If the answer is no, it really is time to send that piece onto the next deserving recipient. Another way of looking at this is pondering the question, “does my best, healthiest self wear this?” Again, if you can’t picture your future self feeling great wearing or sporting that item, work to get rid of that piece out of your closet.
Take Action with the Items You No Longer Want
There are many directions you can take with clothing, shoes, accessories you no longer have use for. I tell many of my friends and clients to keep atleast one bag in your closet that is used for items you’d like to donate. When my bag gets full, I drop the bag(s) off at various Goodwill donation-truck locations. If you’re in the Northeast Ohio area, check out the attended Goodwill Donation Centers and easily clear out those donation bags in your closet. Giving pre-loved clothing and accessories a second chance at life is a great way to be sustainable and stylish at the same time.
Do Some Prep!

You’ve heard it with your food– prepping makes for success and fashion is no different. Set up your future self and dress up a mannequin or have a few ready-to-go outfits that you can grab in a pinch! The great thing about organizing is that you come across pieces that you may have forgot about. You can even have a “New Arrivals” section that just highlights one pieces you just got or are excited to wear for the appropriate season.
Cover Your Closet with Your Favorites
Maybe you love a certain brand, maybe you have a color that just makes you feel good…let that lead the inspiration and put those things or colors into focus! I personally love Tiffany Blue and I acquired a fabulous box from the huge blue/ A GOODWILL BOUTIQUE / annual sale and I love seeing that when I walk in! I also get inspired by different words or phrases and I have little motivations all over my closet.

Bonus! Thrifting Tip:
My hope for you is that you’ll always be adding items you love to your closet while also getting the pieces you don’t love out. Think of your closet as a flowing and living organism. I suggest making a note on your phone or in a notebook and keeping track of items or clothes that you find out that you need. I don’t find a huge need to shop constantly, but when I come across a great sale or have additional savings from coupons etc, I resort to my list of items I need/want and I’m able to score some great discounts on items to add to my closet!
Let me know your favorite closet-organizing tip!
With appreciation,