So you may be saying – what does makeup have to do with thrifted style? I often think the same so I’m taking a little dive into my beauty routine. This is my philosophy. It’s important for me to take care of my body and to make choices that will have a positive impact on the planet. It’s not a full-proof process …
Craft a DIY Plant Holder
Happy New Year fellow thrifters! Similar story as the beginning of 2019, long time, no craft – Abby here to share a craft to hopefully get those crafty vibes going for the New Year! It’s a new year and I’m looking to take full advantage of the resolving – I didn’t craft enough last year so I’m hoping to do …
Getting Organized in the New Year
New year, new you? A bunch of resolutions you’ve made and now regretting? Haha– well here’s one you can work on: better organization! Organization is important on so many levels and I cannot recommend it enough! And don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be perfect and something that needs to happen overnight! You can chip away at being more organized …
12 Months of Thrifting Introduction
Welcome to a new year of thrifting! If you’ve followed along for a while, you might remember this challenge from a few years ago. The original challenge was designed to help you thrift the basics and essentials, become more comfortable in thrift stores, and be more intentional with your purchases. Based on reader feedback, we found that many of you are ready …
12 Months of Thrifting Challenge: January – Dash of Embroidery
Welcome to the 12 Months of Thrifting Challenge! The prompt this month is to add a “dash of” embroidery to your outfit. In this bonus episode, we introduce the challenge and discuss styling and thrifting tips for the first prompt. Why embroidery? Embroidered clothing is beautiful, luxurious, and will make any outfit pop and come to life. My favorite thing …
Welcoming a De-Cluttered Decade
Happy 2020, Friends! Taylor here, from Modest Blondie! Today I just want to take a few minutes to suggest a few ways you can start this year, (and this decade!) off in an organized, de-cluttered way! #1: Quick Closet Clean Out If you haven’t already, the beginning of the year is a great time to do a quick run-through of …
What to Wear: New Year’s Eve
Well here we are approaching yet another new year. This morning, I woke up with the song lyrics “what are you doing…New Year’s Eve?” in my head. Whether you’re working (so sorry), going out with friends, staying home or treating the eve of the New Year like any other night, my mission is to set you up for success to …