Happy new year! I’m really excited to start a new series this year based on birthstones! I want to create some inspiration for outfits and home decor based on the color scheme of each month’s birthstone. January is garnet. A lovely deep red color that symbolizes passion and love. And in the heart of winter in NEO I think it’s …
DIY Bow Jean Tutorial
Supplies needed: ⁃ Your favorite style jeans ⁃ 5/8” ribbon in the color of your choice ⁃ Matching thread ⁃ Sewing machine ⁃ Seam ripper ⁃ Fabric scissors ⁃ Pins or fabric glue I thrifted these jeans for half price at Goodwill a little over a month ago knowing I wanted to try this bow DIY. This project cost me …
Thrifty Gifting: The Top Three Gifts I’m Thrifting This Year
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- I love when I have a friend/family member that feels comfortable enough to thrift me a gift. Like that person is next level for me 😂 So here are my Top 3 categories that I’m thrifting gifts in this year! #1 thrift gift: TOYS All my kids birthdays are …
Spooky Good Reasons to Join the Goodwill Akron Loyalty Club
Happy Spooky Season friends! October is my birthday month so that means alllll the birthday coupons and freebies. So I thought it was a good time to remind you about the Goodwill Akron loyalty club perks and why you should join! First off- for every $100 you spend (at any goodwill Akron location) you get a 35% off coupon that …
Sustainable September Style
Ahhhh, September. A Fall weather preview, pumpkin spice, and in my humble opinion, the start of the cutest fashion season! However, it seems that every year the fashion industry creates more and more waste trying to replicate designer fall fashion for less when in fact, the solution is right in front of us- THRIFTING! First off, remember my summer sweater …
Fall Athleisure from Shopgoodwill.com
I recently popped onto shopgoodwill.com to see the selection of fall fashion and my mind was blown at all the brand names I saw on auction for amazing prices compared to retail! As I was browsing, a pair of lululemon casual joggers caught my eye as they were on auction for $12 with just a few hours left on the …
Next Level Summer Sustainability
Hello July and hello sweet summertime! It’s the season of sunshine, garage sales, graduation parties, and farmers markets. Less is more, especially in the summertime. And while I try to keep it cool and modest in the summer heat I’m always looking for ways to spend less, schedule less, and soak up the long summer days. Goodwill has made this especially …
Summer Sweaters
With the unofficial start of summer in the rear view mirror, I don’t know about you but I have picnics, bonfires, 4th of July fireworks, and beach vacations on my mind! Something I’ve been seeing a lot of the last couple years are summer sweaters- which honestly feels like an oxymoron but they have become really popular and are just …
Double Points Day Thrift Haul
Last month I talked about all my spring thrift wish list items and I was able to sneak away for a couple hours on Double Points Day at Goodwill and try and check a few things off my list! I also had a 35% off that I was able to stack on top of the already low prices! Here’s what …
What’s on my thrift wish list for Spring
Spring is in the air and it has me so excited for picnics, zoo days, grilling season, and sunshine. I have a few items I’m hoping to score secondhand to make this a sustainable spring season, especially with Earth day right around the corner. I love looking for planters and flower pots at the thrift store, I’ve scored some of …