12 Months of Thrifting Challenge: October Prompt – Plaid

Ah, October: spooky season, sweater weather, and the perfect time to start incorporating fall plaids into your outfits. Like everything else on our 12 Months of Thrifting list, plaid is both a wardrobe and thrift store staple.  Plaid is such a versatile heritage pattern with deep Scottish roots. From preppy to punk, plaid has made it to every corner of …

12 Months of Thrifting Challenge: September Prompt – Suede

Welcome back to the 12 Months of Thrifting Challenge. It’s officially fall y’all! This month we’re thrifting and styling suede. Real, vegan, or faux – doesn’t matter, as long as it’s secondhand. If you’re wondering: is suede still in style? YES! It never left. Here are my top reasons why you should embrace this fall trend: Suede is one of …


It’s the year that everything seemed to shut down and here we are, with another shut-down consistently looming over our heads. What are WE fashionistas SUPPOSED to do? Not only is there a thrill in the “acquiring” of our fashion, but half the fun is also in showing it off. This year’s back-to-school guide looks slightly different as so many …

12 Months of Thrifting Challenge: August Prompt -Straw & Wicker Handbags

This month we’re taking a page out of Golden Girl Sophia Petrillo’s book and thrift styling straw, rattan, and wicker bags. I’m always on the lookout for these bags and find one every single time I go to Goodwill, and I shop there a lot! Here are three reasons why you should embrace this thrift store trend: Straw and wicker bags …