Heavy Metal to Shabby Sweet

Gold has made a HOT comeback so this mirror isn’t really bad as is, especially for just $10 at Goodwill Twinsburg. I however don’t have much gold décor in my house so I decided to paint it turquoise. No surprise there. For the paint color I used Pure White Annie Sloan chalk paint mixed with some robin’s egg blue acrylic …

Vintage Bohemian Chic

The original Bohemian (Boho) Chic (Photos of from the Goodwill Vintage Collection) The late 1960s were a time of political and social change.  The conservative pillbox hats and structured suits of the Jackie Kennedy era were replaced by bright, bold ethnic-inspired prints and flowing silhouettes.  The “rules” of fashion were broken by a generation who chose to march to the beat …

Fun with Frames

Picture frames always make for a fun, quick and easy DIY project. Thankfully Goodwill is stocked full of all different types of frames… and even, the artwork to go inside! I picked up this frame at Goodwill Twinsburg for only $3.     The first idea I had was to frame a few pages from this Sesame Street Book of …

Toys of Old

TOYS OF OLD   Barbie, Star Wars, Lionel and Legos are  names you’re familiar with. However, these names can be worth quite a bit of money when it comes to toys of old or vintage toys. So how old does a vintage toy need to be to be considered vintage? Approximately 30 years old or more. So toys manufactured around …

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I must admit Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays.  Who doesn’t love an excuse to pull out the pink ribbon, buy chocolate (with no guilt), wear an excess amount of “girly” hues, and spend time with loved ones? So I was pretty excited to go on my Goodwill shopping trip with a theme in …

The 1920s – Modern Style is Born!

The 1920s – modern style is born! Before the 1920s, no respectable woman would be seen with a tan, wearing more than the barest hint of makeup, wearing a skirt above the ankle, or with short hair.  Coco Chanel, the famous French couturier whose name lives on even today, was one of the most revolutionary fashion designers of the era.  …

So Cheesy…

SO CHEESY… I’ve apparently started a collection of cheese domes. I’ve had an idea in my head for a year or so to turn them into something… well… something… not so cheesy. I kept seeing them at Goodwill and other thrift stores, and I couldn’t resist. I… just… kept… buying… them.   Being that it’s 2013 and my motto is …

In 2013 I Resolve to…

Happy New Year Everyone! Usually every January 1st, I have a heavy list of resolutions that I think are going to be life changing and usually fizzle about a month or two later. This year, I kind of feel like pulling up the covers and taking a long winters nap. So with that said, instead of the resolution list, I decided …

Goodwill’s Vintage Clothing Collection

Did you know that Goodwill Industries of Akron (GIA) is home to a vintage clothing collection made up of more than 750 garments ranging from the 1860s–1980s? The Vintage Clothing Collection, which is facilitated by the Marketing and Development Department, has been a part of Goodwill’s past for many decades.  To our knowledge, Goodwill Industries of Akron is the only Goodwill …

What’s Your Treasure?

Whether you’re looking for a musical instrument, a rare painting, jewelry or that vintage toy that takes you back to your childhood, Goodwill Industries of Akron has it all. Below are some examples of the items we’ve posted and sold on our auction site. You can find tableware such as this vintage silver tea set: Many shoppers can walk into …