Hi All!
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! I’m looking forward to the fall weather myself but I do hate to see garage sale season winding down.
So the other day my son’s friend was cleaning out his garage and wanted to get rid of this, (in his words), big ugly piece of furniture that was in his way. So of course without even seeing it, I said yes. It’s my go to answer for the frequent calls I get from people wanting to rid themselves of furniture they are sick of looking at sitting around. What can I say, I can’t pass up free furniture! Could this be why my husband has the theme song to Sandford and Son as my ring tone–it’s possible. But as you can see by the before pictures it was beautiful, or at least I knew it had the potential to be.
So the project begins.
This is actually an old store display so the top had a thick piece of glass and then there was a glass shelf in the center that I removed. The glass was in great condition so I of course kept it in case I could use it for a future project.
So I began my usual process–first sanding. I used an 80 grit paper for this because as you can see in the pictures that some of it had been spray painted. I wanted to get it down to the wood because I wanted to put a dark stain on it. Once the paint was off I re-sanded with 220 grit paper to smooth it out.
Next I wanted to add sides. I always keep parts and pieces of things I take apart, so in my garage I found 2 cabinet doors, sections of plywood and window inserts.
(For example: I decided I did not like the cabinet doors on this piece I had finished a few months back so I took them off and saved them).
I cut and fit everything into the sides, added the doors, a wood top and the project was complete!
Occasionally I have a hard time giving a finished piece up….this was one of them. I had just repainted our bedroom and I thought this would be perfect for under the TV. The hardest part to me was helping my husband get this up the steps and into the bedroom. It was a tad bit heavy–but worth the back pain once it got there.
Happy Fall everyone!!
Facebook: Sirpilla’s Shabby to Chic
Hi, I’m Amy. I love to repurpose, refinish and decorate with thrift store finds. Making something new out of something old is what inspires me! I’m a thrift shop addict who would like to share my DIY projects with you.