We are headed into a new season: Welcome fall! During a change of seasons, we have a great opportunity to clean and organize space. Our level of organization may differ depending on the quantity of items we own, space available, time, energy and frame of mind. For many people, space is limited which may lead to some cluttered areas. The best way to de-clutter is to make current season items the easiest to grab and to put those “off season” items out of the way. Think of your house as living space and not all storage space. Consider the areas you use and live in everyday as “prime real estate” and only keep items used often in these areas.
What can I do with “off season” items?
• Pack in labeled/clear bins & shift to the back of a closet
• Up high or down low (wherever you prefer not to go often)
• In the basement, attic, storage room or an inconvenient closet
• Place in the rear corner of a garage or shed
Try strategies above with these categories and ask yourself “What will I not need until spring?”
a. Outdoor gear (beach hat replaced with winter hat)
b. Tops (short for long)
c. Pants (cords out and capris and shorts packed)
d. Socks (perhaps exchange some cotton for wool)
e. Shoes & boots (pack away the flip flops and bring out the boots)
Outdoor Space:
a. Lawn mower switched with snow blower
b. Hoses & garden gear packed away
c. Furniture hung high in garage
Keep in mind that the easier it is to access items, the easier it is to find and put things back. Time invested in making the “shifts” will lead to less aggravation and hopefully easier days ahead.
Lynne Poulton, Wholly Organized!® LLC