It is pretty safe to say that by the time we enter the month of June in Ohio, we can say “goodbye boots, hello swimsuits!” Many of us who don’t have the luxury of having endless closet space, need to shift items out of closets and into storage. When our closets are packed with items that are only worn part of the year it makes things crowded, difficult to maintain and may make for a stressful morning. My suggestion is to pack away the off-season items, and in this case we are talking about the fall/winter gear, to make room for the spring/summer gear! This way you aren’t struggling with tangled hangers and can find things more easily.
Follow these four quick tips to make the season shift happen:
1. Grab some bins (my preference: $5 clear 56 qt storage bins from Target)
2. Place boots and winter shoes in the bin and tuck them away in the basement, garage, attic or a low traffic area
3. Do the same thing with your fall clothing, this could include sweaters, wool items and even fall/winter socks!
4. Because the bins are clear it isn’t absolutely necessary to label them, however painter’s tape and a sharpie work just fine.
While packing things up why not ask yourself these questions:
• Could someone use this item more than me?
• Is it torn, stained, stretched out, boring or old?
• Is my prime storage and closet space better served with other items?
If you answered ‘yes,’ you know what to do next. Donate it to Goodwill or make a plan to wear it or fix it!
In a few short months the season will change and it will be time to do the switch…again. Bring the bins to your closet space and ask yourself the same questions as you exchange items from the bin to the hanger.
Make note whether this process made your mornings less stressful. How can you modify your flow? Consider this: the less you own, the less you switch. Do you want to simplify your wardrobe? Remember you are in charge, you decide what you want. Go for it!
Reach out to Lynne for more tips!
Lynne Poulton, Wholly Organized!® LLC
For great advice on how to care for your swimsuits from the magazine Real Simple: