You have a hundred million tasks and errands to accomplish this month. Money going out, tight schedules and jam-packed weekends. It’s a whirlwind but every year the excitement fuels our energy, and anticipation keep us going!
With everything you have on your plate, it may be difficult to carve out time to style yourself a great holiday outfit. You know, one that expresses your style but also allows you to have some creative-holiday fun! You know what’s so great about this time of year? You can kinda let go of your own rules and uniform. It’s time to shine and mix things up a bit!
I don’t know about you but I get easily lured into shopping for myself (whoops) when I’m shopping for others. Does anyone else seem to find the perfect essentials for yourself when you should be finding them for your loved ones… guilty!
So here’s what I decided. Any special event I have this season that presents the opportunity to dress “holiday”…I’m going to style and pull what I wear from what I have in my closet. No matter how much I think of the sequin Spanx leggings that I want so badly!!… I digress. I have everything I need.
Here’re three outfits I styled at The Goodwill blue Boutique using items that you may have already! A bridesmaid dress (yes you heard me right!), a summer sundress, and a hockey jersey! Bear with me…these outfits are interesting and unique. Maybe it will inspire you to chose a random piece you already own and style it with unique accessories. So..maybe you can buy yourself a few things. ; ) Trust’ll be a HIT at your holiday party!!
With so much love,
P.S. The Ralph Lauren black suede boots did go home with me. They were $35 and I had enough points on my Goodwill Loyalty card that I received an extra 35% off. I couldn’t help myself! – LOL.

*all fashion and photos are from the Goodwill blue Boutique.
Megan Dyer
The Style Counsel, LLC