Hearing the word “shadowboxes” takes me back to my childhood when every single gift we gave my mom was a small bear figurine for her shadow box. Our last name is Bernstein so it was only fitting that she collect bears.
I come across shadowboxes all the time at Goodwill so I figured it is time to buy one and sass it up! I bought this one at the Lakemore store for just $1.50.
I spray painted it my favorite color… bright yellow!
Then added some colorful scrapbook paper to the back by simply measuring the boxes, cutting paper the same size and then gluing it in place.
Easy as one…two…three! Buy, paint and add paper!
My married last name does not mimic that of a fictional family of bears, or any animals for that matter, so I had to choose something different to display than the bears of my past…
These Wooden letters from a board game are perfect because I can switch out the words whenever I want. I did “Something TBF (to be Found).
Happy Thrifting!