You certainly know how much I admire style and fashion. My admiration runs deep and it’s more than just clothes, makeup, and hair to me. It’s an open reflection of who you are – and I love that.
However, I’m switching direction by setting style aside and focusing on the Self; the inner self – which is ultimately reflected on the outside. It’s reflected in your style. I’ve been working hard lately to take a step back, take in moments as they occur, and limiting thoughts about the future of things I can’t control, or missteps I made in my past. I no longer want to dwell deeply in these areas. It robs me of fully experiencing what is in front of me and the energy to be in the moment.
Where does it get me when I spend time thinking this way … worries about my past and trying deeply to control the future? Anxiety. Worry. Self doubt. Low confidence, and lacking the ability to feel joy in the moment. Complete distraction.
It leads me to lack the patience to fully embrace the creative process because I’m so focused on the end result – and clouded by all the trash talking I was doing in my head. I’ve decided it’s time for a change.
I wanted to become more self aware of what “I” want out of this life. This always seemed like a selfish act to me. However I now realize being a self aware and reflective individual is probably the best way to envision my best life – living towards the best version of myself, and most importantly providing me with the openness to be there for others and their needs.
I wanted to create a visual reminder for myself – something I could look at everyday that will remind me of my new goal to live a more deeply fulfilled life, to lesson the chaotic thinking, and to breathe. This is my most open, honest and expressive blog post for Goodwill yet, and it’s not even about fashion.
It’s amazing what can inspire a project or an idea. I picked up this bronze tray at the Goodwill on Waterloo Rd. It was my first attempt to find a tray that I could use for objects that will serve as visual reminder of my intentions. It showed up in front of me with little effort at all, like it was meant to be?
This tray will live in several areas of my home. I want it to work anywhere I need. So, I may change its locations and the objects on it will change as well.
For more ideas on designing your mediation tray visit my Pinterest Board, here.
Being an open, mindful, and peaceful person is what I’m working towards. Deliberate with my intentions and lessening anxieties. Ask yourself what your Self is in need of – or what are you wanting to change or grow into, and then design your tray to reflect those things.
Xo The Style Counsel
Megan Dyer
The Style Counsel, LLC