12 Months of Thrifting Challenge: April Prompt — DIY Canister Using an Old Candle Jar

Welcome back to the 12 Months of Thrifting challenge. This month, in honor of Earth Day, we’re challenging you to DIY or upcycle something using thrifted finds. Did you know that many people donate unused, unburnt candles to Goodwill? Yes! It’s one of my favorite things to thrift because they cost a fraction of the retail price. Ever since my …

Goodwill Elects New Board Officers, Members & Honors Program Champions

AKRON, Ohio — March 23, 2022 — Goodwill serving Summit, Portage, Medina, Ashland and Richland Counties held its 95th Annual Meeting virtually on March 23, 2022, to elect board officers, members and honor program champions. “We are very grateful for the support of our board of directors, team members and the community this past year,” said Nancy Ellis McClenaghan, president …

12 Months of Thrifting Challenge: March Prompt — Thrift a Look for Less

This month’s 12 Months of Thrifting theme is to style a thrifted look for less. This is one of my favorite things to do with my wardrobe. It’s such a fun, affordable, and easy way to get creative with your outfits. Here are some tips to help you style your next thrifted look for less: Seek Inspiration: Whether you’re starting …

12 Months of Thrifting: Valentine’s Day Party Décor

Welcome back to the 12 Months of Thrifting Challenge. This month, we’re inviting you to share your thrifted Valentine’s Day décor, gifts, or outfits. Be sure to share your finds with us using the hashtag #12MonthsofThrifting to be featured. One of my favorite things about hosting parties is being able to repurpose décor items for my tablescape. This year I’m …

Goodwill Serves More Than 11,000 In 2021

AGENCY TO PRESENT MISSION NUMBERS AT VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING AKRON, Ohio — Jan. 26, 2022 — In 2021 Goodwill Industries serving Summit, Portage, Medina, Ashland and Richland Counties served 11,328 individuals in the community with job search assistance, training and other services. The agency will formally present 2021 service numbers at its virtual Annual Meeting and Celebration of Champions on …